Fish1000 Comics
Welcome to Fish1000 Comics, the repository of knowledge devoted to comics* created by me.
Many of these can be read online here, bartered, stolen or purchased from me, or occasionally found in comic shops, or lying dust-covered in some unexpected place. Perhaps behind that sideboard that still stands in your parents house. Best check next time you visit.
April 2013
July 2012
March 2012
November 2011
October 2011
August 2011
March 2011
August 2010
July 2010
March 2010
Feb 2010
Oct 2009
August 2009
Jul 2009
Jun 2009
Feb 2009
Dec 2008
Sep 2008
Mar 2008
Dec-2003 to March 2008
Oct 2007
Apr 2007
Jan 2007
Dec 2006
Boozy Bird
Oct 2006
Oct 2006
Jun 2006
May 2006
Mar 2006
Feb 2006
Jan 2006
Nov 2005
Jul 2005
Apr 2005
Jan 2005
Alien Card
Sep 2004
Feb 2004
UK Splendor
Feb 2004
Feb 2004
Oct 2003
Many of these can be read online here, bartered, stolen or purchased from me, or occasionally found in comic shops, or lying dust-covered in some unexpected place. Perhaps behind that sideboard that still stands in your parents house. Best check next time you visit.
April 2013
Trevor the Ant's Enormous Escapades in Time
Free minicomic, available online and at selected comicshops
July 2012
50 Shades of Grape
Free 'novelette' minicomic, available online and at selected comicshops
March 2012
Zombies vs Dinosaurs
An exciting new webcomic!
November 2011
Fish1000 Comics Compendium #1
To debut at Thoughtbubble 2011, this mini-compilation will include some favourite strips, plus a couple of new bits!
October 2011
Just 1 Page: Even an Android...
Colour sketch donated to the Just 1 Page exhibition in Orbital comics - Proceeds to Macmillan.
August 2011
Austerity Comics: Crossover on Finite Budget
This mega-epic crossover team-up shows how it should be done, saving you £££'s in pointless tie-ins!!
One page strip for CAPTION 2011 programme, under the theme of 'Austerity'.
One page strip for CAPTION 2011 programme, under the theme of 'Austerity'.
March 2011
Pilot Ranger-B
What happens when one member of a five-piece combining-robot fighting-team decides to follow the path of pacifism?
Available online and wherever you find it!
Available online and wherever you find it!
August 2010
This instructional pamphlet contains useful science tips for scientists working in the field of Science Robotics.
Appeared in the CAPTION 2010 programme
Appeared in the CAPTION 2010 programme
July 2010
Trevor the Ant and the Flying Monkeys of DOOM
Trevor the Ant returns, in another action packed adventure! This time, how will our hero react to one of the most irksome swarms to face modern society - Flying Monkeys!
Debuted at CAPTION 2010, available online and wherever you find it!
Debuted at CAPTION 2010, available online and wherever you find it!
March 2010
Dan Fish's Tales of the Dinosaurs
This one-page strip highlights one of the dangers of overdoing it at the gym, in an action-packed yarn salvaged from before recorded time! Based on a true story, possibly.
Appeared in the Thing Dinosaur Anthology.
Appeared in the Thing Dinosaur Anthology.
Feb 2010
Foot-Balls of Fury!
Neither Roy of the Rovers nor Billy the Fish ever had to win an important match during an epic alien squid invasion. Or if they did, I don't remember reading anything about it! Perfectly pitched at the football/alien invasion demographic, this important tale will knock your (football) socks off.
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope.
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope.
Oct 2009
Deja Vu
The professors new invention is the best thing since sliced bread! but what is the secret behind the feeling of Deja Vu it engenders? This mind-bending never-ending comic will attempt to show you the answer, just don't get lost within it!
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Debuted at BICS 2009
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Debuted at BICS 2009
August 2009
One page strip exploring the deep issues inherent in todays modern society, and kebabs.
My strip for the Caption 2009 'Fairies' themed programme
My strip for the Caption 2009 'Fairies' themed programme
Jul 2009
The Moon's a Balloon
Jun 2009
Harvey Gingham - Excerpt 1
An excerpt from the currently non-existent life story of an extraordinary chap (who happens to have been blessed with a furry face) and his unusual life. Planned as part of a larger work, this is the only part to have surfaced to date.
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Feb 2009
A Tale of Two Fishies
What happens when two twins reach 60 years of age? They get their life celebrated in comics form, that's what! Answers the age old question, how can you tell those twins apart?
An online exclusive minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
An online exclusive minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Dec 2008
Gary the blu-tac dog actually existed. I was told how he was created, and how he died. But don't be sad, he was just blu-tac! He doesn't really have feelings.
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Sep 2008
Some people say there aren't enough adverts in comics. How is anyone supposed to know what to buy? Come closer to an answer with this minicomic, which debuted at BICS2008.
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Mar 2008
Trevor the Ant's Big Adventure
Trevor the Ant has another adventure, in a world too large to contain him!
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Dec-2003 to March 2008
Rogue Idol
This three-part webstrip originally ran on, but finds a new more permanent home here. Our hero is a realiy-show popstar, thrust into a world of arcane magic and unscrupulous manipulators working towards dark ends... His efforts to break free force him to take actions which means he must go rogue, on the run from the law and the music industry that made him, and would destroy him.
Part 1: Pop Tart,
Part 2: A Hards Dazed Night,
Part 3: Poplife.
Free webcomic, available to read online.
Part 1: Pop Tart,
Part 2: A Hards Dazed Night,
Part 3: Poplife.
Free webcomic, available to read online.
Oct 2007
Baffling Mysteries #1
You will find out whodunnit, in a chilling tale with a twist!
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Apr 2007
Dead Elvis
In a futuristic world, what has society become, and why is the cult of Elvis the key to understanding?
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Jan 2007
Important Stuff
A 5-page strip in Colour for the UK Web and Mini Comix Thing Anthology 2007.
A true story about the ones we love after they've gone, and how they'll always be here despite that.
Available to read online
A true story about the ones we love after they've gone, and how they'll always be here despite that.
Available to read online
Dec 2006
Boozy Bird
A one-off webcomic introducing a new breed of hero! (or something). Not much to say about this one!
Available to read online
Available to read online
Oct 2006
Dan Fish's Musical Jamboree Comic
A light-hearted yarn featuring the worlds leading chimp superstar inadvertently stumbles upon the secrets of Creativity, revelaing the source of all original thought. An answer to "Where do you get your ideas from?"
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Oct 2006

A 24 Hour Comic completed at the ICA, about life's plans, and what happens when you least expect it.
Available to buy or swap, or download.
Available to buy or swap, or download.
Jun 2006
'I am Superman'
Created with a REMIX theme for CAPTION, by twisting the brief a little, and illustrating an REM song in IX (9) panel grid form.
available to read online
available to read online
May 2006

Those Da Vinci Coders Vs Transformas
Before either film was released, and having not read Dan Brown's fiction bestseller, this is my interpretation intertwining the backstory of the Transformers with facts and balderdash from the Bible (which might also be described as a fiction bestseller), revealed via clues in the body of Da Vinci's most famous works!
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope featuring giant robots and ancient conspiracies!
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope featuring giant robots and ancient conspiracies!
Mar 2006
Tall Thin Comic Adventures (Starring Trevor the Ant)
Trevor the Ant debuts in this mini-minicomic, which shows what life might be like if you were an ant (called Trevor).
Free and available online.
Read a review on this other website.
Free and available online.
Read a review on this other website.
Feb 2006
Godzilla and Giant Robot Footballer 2
A Japanese themed page for the football-inspired edition of Just 1 Page charity magazine
Jan 2006
Love on the Rocks
A 2-page strip originally published in Portent Presents #2, now available here. Explores the complexities of dating, in a world populated by super-powered goodies and baddies.
Nov 2005
Uncanny Fish1000.Biz Yarns
A surreal exploration into free choice and the worlds that exist around us, delivered in the form of a minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope
Dans Magic Pencil
Jul 2005
Silence in the Sand'
A 3-page ghost story originally published in the 2006 Misty Halloween Special (See
Available to purchase here, now online here.
Available to purchase here, now online here.
Apr 2005
Fish1000 Comics
A minicomic in Fish1000-o-scope. Originally issued with free tea-bag. Features Ninjas and Tea.
Free and available to read online
Free and available to read online
Jan 2005
Ambush Bug Vs Animal Man
One page strip in Just One Page issue 3, starring two favourite DC characters.
Alien Card
Sep 2004
6 page strip by Rich Johnston and Daniel Fish for Commercial Suicide 2.0.
Feb 2004
UK Splendor
Feb 2004
Dan & Minnie
Feb 2004
Deaths Head
Marvel UK Character sketch submission for the May 2004 Comic Festival Childline Auction
Oct 2003
My 'Cerebus The Aardvark' sketches sold (for £10!) at the November 2003 Comic Festival Childline Auction
*Comics: They're a simple combination of words and pictures normally forming some sort of narrative to tell a story or provoke an emotional response. They're the best way to explain difficult concepts clearly, and when done well, can comfortably sit alongside any other Great Art the world has produced so far. Especially mine.