Lost and Found
Rare Comics, and pages that have been omitted from reprinted editions
Check back regularly for updates!
Original Artwork
I've managed to pick up some personal sketches by comic professionals at various Comic Festivals - Click Here to view

Grant Morrison
Grant Morrison's Invisibles Volume 3: The Invisible Kingdom had several art changes between publication of the comics and the Graphic Novel. Here you can see the pages by Ashley Wood from the comic, and the re-drawn art by Cameron Stewart from the Book, which is closer to the script. This sequence may contain spoilers!
Comic Version :: Book Version :: Script Excerpts
Volume 3 Issue 6 had some dialogue corrected
Missing pages from 'Black Science' and 'Invisible Kingdom' reprints
Find out about some early Grant Morrison work from DC Thompson's Starblazer
From the archives, here's an interview/chat between Grant Morrison and Mark Millar from Fantasy Advertiser Magazine, touching on Animal Man, Doom Patrol, Near Myths, and lots more!
..And here's a whole heap of interviews with Grant Morrison, contents detailed here.
And more:
Newspaper interview aged 16 - November 1976
Bombs Away, Batman! 1 - 1983
Fusion 7 - October 1985
Speakeasy 76 - July 1987
After Image 6 - January 1988
Arkensword 23 (with Steve Yeowell) - January 1988
Speakeasy 93 - December 1988
Cut Magazine - February 1989
Amazing Heroes 176 - February 1990
Strange Fruit 1 - March 1990
Comics Scene 12 - April 1990
Ark 32 - May 1990
Fantazia 8 - January 1991
Scotland on Sunday - 21 April 1991
X-Static 1 - May 1992
Comics Scene 28 - August 1992
Comic World 18 - August 1993
Mondo 2000 11 - 1993
Hero Illustrated 9 - March 1994
SFX 21 - January 1997
Riot 0 - August 1997 - A
Riot 0 - August 1997 - B
Vampirella Preview - October 1997
(you may want to check your word wrap settings when you open these text files)
The Stalking
Grant Morrison wrote a text story for the 1986 UK Batman annual, with accompanying art by Garry 'Miracleman' Leach. Here it is!
Osgood Peabody's Big Green Dream Machine
Grant Morrison wrote a text story for the 1986 UK Superman annual, with accompanying art by Barry Kitson and Jeff Anderson. Here it is!
Captain Granbretan
Grant Morrison wrote a text story for Captain Britain #13 (January 1986, MarvelUK), with illustrations by John Stokes. Here it is!
Grant Morrison's JLA run featured the team (and the world) uniting against Mageddon. There was a brief interlude, published outside of the JLA comics, in New Gods Secret Files & Origins.
The DC ONE MILLION graphic novel comprised the main points of the
crossover series, set one million months into the future. However, the
book omitted pages 14&15 of issue 2, which set up the next crossover, 'The Kingdom'.
Doom Patrol
The original printing of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol trade paperback 'Crawling from the Wreckage' omits the interludes leading up to the next storyline, introducing the Brotherhood of DaDa
Thankfully, the new printing reinstates most of these pages

Alan Moore
DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore
Alan Moores miscellaneous work for DC Comics was recently collected in a new edition. However, missing were frontispiece and endpiece for The Killing Joke - The page, by Brian Bolland which serves as both is HERE.
Also, the text from the opening page of 'Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow' was missing, which is HERE.
Alan Moores Supreme was collected and reissued by Checker Book Publishing Group. However, due to space considerations, the back up strips from issues 52A and 52B were left out.
Captain Britain
When Marvel republished Alan Moore & Alan Davis' Captain Britain stories in X-Men Archives and Graphic Novel format, they missed a page, originally published in Daredevils 6.
The new printing contains the page in colour for the first time
Prior to their appearances in the Captain Britain strip, the Special Executive team made their debut in a tryptich of stories by Alan Moore, with John Stokes and David Lloyd in Marvel UK's Dr Who magazine issues 47, 51 and 57 (reprinted in The Daredevils 5-7, with Dr Who replaced by a Watcher)
Formerly hosted here, these stories are now available, with lots of other Moore goodies in the 'Moore for Free' section at the fourcolorheroes website.
Thanks to Eduardo Blake for the scans
MIRACLEMAN related odds and ends
Big Ben & more
The Yesterday Gambit & more
WildCATS **link**
Alan Moore's excellent run on Wildcats (aka WildC.A.T.S.) was followed up with a 12 page story in issue 50
The story is available online on Artist Travis Charest' website.

Dan Clowes Ice Haven
See some of the missing pages from Dan Clowes masterpiece here.
Chris Ware
The softcover Jimmy Corrigan:The Smartest Kid On Earth, by Chris Ware featured content not included in the Hardback - So here it is!
A.B.C Warriors
The ABC Warriors, created by Pat Mills, had numerous appearances in 2000AD. Their early adventures are available in The A.B.C Warriors: The Mek-Nificent Seven. Here is the framing sequence from that book, which was created for an earlier reprint edition, as well as the illustrated text story from 2000AD Annual 1981.
Garth Ennis is one of Irelands finest Comic exports - He wrote the fantastic 'Preacher', and had a lengthy run on DC's 'Hellblazer', and can recently be found on Marvel's 'The Punisher', all at some point with the talented Steve Dillon. Here is an early collaboration between the two from 'A1', exploring familiar themes of friendship, drink and romance.
And they'd never get drunk but stay sober
In contrast, here's an advert Ennis wrote for Interplay: Loaded

Power Girl - Infinite Crisis tie-in
The Power Girl trade paperback omitted two epilogues from the original 'JSA Classified' series. Both epilogues led into the mega-crossover 'Infinite Crisis'.
Kingdom Come
The Kingdom Come trade paperback includes two extra sequences;
The first is a four page interlude that takes place prior to the final two pages of chapter two, in which Superman visits Apocalypse.
The second is an 8 page epilogue; This sequence could spoil your enjoyment of the book if you have not read it, so read at your peril.
Neil Gaiman's Sandman spin-off Death: The Time of your Life had an extended ending in the graphic novel. This takes place between pages 21 and 22 of the third, final part
The Authority **link**
Many pages were altered for publication. Comparisons can be found at these sites: Higher Authority Website (New URL) and at Sequart.com
With thanks to Rich Johnstons' 'Lying in the Gutters' column
Superman **link**
Tons of online Superman stories available at
Donna Troy **link**
This Secret Files & Origins story was included in Wonder Woman: Paradise Found
With thanks to Beta's website
'Icon' was a series published by Milestone comics, by
Dwayne McDuffie and M. D. Bright. The initial 8-issue story arc finished on a cliffhanger, so the final two pages were substituted in the collected edition with a new ending. If you were curious to see either, they are both here

Read the unpublished Loose Cannons miniseries here.
Doop is the strange green member of deceased mutant team X-Statix (formerly X-Force). He speaks in an alien tongue, translations of which are here. The key to translate is here.
With thanks to original translators, especially Mike Storniolo at MillarWorld.
Marvel Comics 'The Avengers' comic has been running since the 1960's - One of their classic adventures, 'The Korvac Saga', was reprinted with an additional epilogue (Artwork by Sal Buscema), as well as new a cover by George Perez
Action Force **link**
Comic Strip scans from various UK 'Action Force' comics of the 80's
Blood for the Baron
Check HERE for updates
Zoids **link**
Comic Strip scans from the UK 'Spider-Man and Zoids' comic of the 80's
Zoids UK
Wolverine **link**
The Lost Last Wolverine Story Prologue
With thanks to Rich Johnstons' 'Lying in the Gutters' column
page 1 / Page 2-12 (scroll down) / SCRIPT (PDF)
Enemy of the State
With thanks to Rich Johnstons' 'Lying in the Gutters' column
This Page appeared unlettered in the Wolverine: Enemy of the State Hardcover, so dig out your correction fluid, and use your best handwriting to recreate the page as it was intended.
Check back regularly for updates!
HYPERLINKS: -Artwork- -Morrison- -Moore- -Clowes- -Ware- -Warheads- -Doop- -ABC Warriors- -Ennis/Dillon- -Avengers- -Power Girl- -Kingdom Come- -Icon- -Death- -Action Force- -Authority- -Zoids- -Superman- -Wolverine- -Donna Troy- -Pulp-
Contact Me with requests, suggestions or contributions
(let me know before sending attachments)
All material is copyright to the respective owners - If you have any objections to the material posted here, please let me know
Technical Info:
Zip Files:
Right-click, and 'Save As...' to your hard drive
The Comic Display software 'CDisplay' is useful for reading comics stored in ZIP or RAR form.
(let me know before sending attachments)
All material is copyright to the respective owners - If you have any objections to the material posted here, please let me know
Technical Info:
Zip Files:
Right-click, and 'Save As...' to your hard drive
The Comic Display software 'CDisplay' is useful for reading comics stored in ZIP or RAR form.
Thanks to:
All the creators and contributors
John AKA '..Bedhead' and barbelith.com for the GM/MM Interviews,
Rodrigo Baeza for the Korvac Saga Epilogue,
Steven Clubb for the Garth Ennis stuff,
Eduardo Blake for the Special Executive strips,
Dwayne McDuffie for the Icon Graphic Novel scan,
and Neil Gray, Cameron Stewart and Barbelith for some of the Invisibles stuff
[New Adventures of Hitler and Near Myths strips removed by request]
All the creators and contributors
John AKA '..Bedhead' and barbelith.com for the GM/MM Interviews,
Rodrigo Baeza for the Korvac Saga Epilogue,
Steven Clubb for the Garth Ennis stuff,
Eduardo Blake for the Special Executive strips,
Dwayne McDuffie for the Icon Graphic Novel scan,
and Neil Gray, Cameron Stewart and Barbelith for some of the Invisibles stuff
[New Adventures of Hitler and Near Myths strips removed by request]
Original Artwork
I've managed to pick up some personal sketches by comic professionals at various Comic Festivals - Click Here to view

Grant Morrison
Grant Morrison's Invisibles Volume 3: The Invisible Kingdom had several art changes between publication of the comics and the Graphic Novel. Here you can see the pages by Ashley Wood from the comic, and the re-drawn art by Cameron Stewart from the Book, which is closer to the script. This sequence may contain spoilers!
Comic Version :: Book Version :: Script Excerpts
Volume 3 Issue 6 had some dialogue corrected
Missing pages from 'Black Science' and 'Invisible Kingdom' reprints
Find out about some early Grant Morrison work from DC Thompson's Starblazer
From the archives, here's an interview/chat between Grant Morrison and Mark Millar from Fantasy Advertiser Magazine, touching on Animal Man, Doom Patrol, Near Myths, and lots more!
..And here's a whole heap of interviews with Grant Morrison, contents detailed here.
And more:
Newspaper interview aged 16 - November 1976
Bombs Away, Batman! 1 - 1983
Fusion 7 - October 1985
Speakeasy 76 - July 1987
After Image 6 - January 1988
Arkensword 23 (with Steve Yeowell) - January 1988
Speakeasy 93 - December 1988
Cut Magazine - February 1989
Amazing Heroes 176 - February 1990
Strange Fruit 1 - March 1990
Comics Scene 12 - April 1990
Ark 32 - May 1990
Fantazia 8 - January 1991
Scotland on Sunday - 21 April 1991
X-Static 1 - May 1992
Comics Scene 28 - August 1992
Comic World 18 - August 1993
Mondo 2000 11 - 1993
Hero Illustrated 9 - March 1994
SFX 21 - January 1997
Riot 0 - August 1997 - A
Riot 0 - August 1997 - B
Vampirella Preview - October 1997
(you may want to check your word wrap settings when you open these text files)
The Stalking
Grant Morrison wrote a text story for the 1986 UK Batman annual, with accompanying art by Garry 'Miracleman' Leach. Here it is!
Osgood Peabody's Big Green Dream Machine
Grant Morrison wrote a text story for the 1986 UK Superman annual, with accompanying art by Barry Kitson and Jeff Anderson. Here it is!
Captain Granbretan
Grant Morrison wrote a text story for Captain Britain #13 (January 1986, MarvelUK), with illustrations by John Stokes. Here it is!
Grant Morrison's JLA run featured the team (and the world) uniting against Mageddon. There was a brief interlude, published outside of the JLA comics, in New Gods Secret Files & Origins.
The DC ONE MILLION graphic novel comprised the main points of the
crossover series, set one million months into the future. However, the
book omitted pages 14&15 of issue 2, which set up the next crossover, 'The Kingdom'.
Doom Patrol
The original printing of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol trade paperback 'Crawling from the Wreckage' omits the interludes leading up to the next storyline, introducing the Brotherhood of DaDa
Thankfully, the new printing reinstates most of these pages

Alan Moore
DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore
Alan Moores miscellaneous work for DC Comics was recently collected in a new edition. However, missing were frontispiece and endpiece for The Killing Joke - The page, by Brian Bolland which serves as both is HERE.
Also, the text from the opening page of 'Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow' was missing, which is HERE.
Alan Moores Supreme was collected and reissued by Checker Book Publishing Group. However, due to space considerations, the back up strips from issues 52A and 52B were left out.
Captain Britain
When Marvel republished Alan Moore & Alan Davis' Captain Britain stories in X-Men Archives and Graphic Novel format, they missed a page, originally published in Daredevils 6.
The new printing contains the page in colour for the first time
Prior to their appearances in the Captain Britain strip, the Special Executive team made their debut in a tryptich of stories by Alan Moore, with John Stokes and David Lloyd in Marvel UK's Dr Who magazine issues 47, 51 and 57 (reprinted in The Daredevils 5-7, with Dr Who replaced by a Watcher)
Formerly hosted here, these stories are now available, with lots of other Moore goodies in the 'Moore for Free' section at the fourcolorheroes website.
Thanks to Eduardo Blake for the scans
MIRACLEMAN related odds and ends
Big Ben & more
The Yesterday Gambit & more
WildCATS **link**
Alan Moore's excellent run on Wildcats (aka WildC.A.T.S.) was followed up with a 12 page story in issue 50
The story is available online on Artist Travis Charest' website.

Dan Clowes Ice Haven
See some of the missing pages from Dan Clowes masterpiece here.
Chris Ware
The softcover Jimmy Corrigan:The Smartest Kid On Earth, by Chris Ware featured content not included in the Hardback - So here it is!
A.B.C Warriors
The ABC Warriors, created by Pat Mills, had numerous appearances in 2000AD. Their early adventures are available in The A.B.C Warriors: The Mek-Nificent Seven. Here is the framing sequence from that book, which was created for an earlier reprint edition, as well as the illustrated text story from 2000AD Annual 1981.
Garth Ennis is one of Irelands finest Comic exports - He wrote the fantastic 'Preacher', and had a lengthy run on DC's 'Hellblazer', and can recently be found on Marvel's 'The Punisher', all at some point with the talented Steve Dillon. Here is an early collaboration between the two from 'A1', exploring familiar themes of friendship, drink and romance.
And they'd never get drunk but stay sober
In contrast, here's an advert Ennis wrote for Interplay: Loaded

Power Girl - Infinite Crisis tie-in
The Power Girl trade paperback omitted two epilogues from the original 'JSA Classified' series. Both epilogues led into the mega-crossover 'Infinite Crisis'.
Kingdom Come
The Kingdom Come trade paperback includes two extra sequences;
The first is a four page interlude that takes place prior to the final two pages of chapter two, in which Superman visits Apocalypse.
The second is an 8 page epilogue; This sequence could spoil your enjoyment of the book if you have not read it, so read at your peril.
Neil Gaiman's Sandman spin-off Death: The Time of your Life had an extended ending in the graphic novel. This takes place between pages 21 and 22 of the third, final part
The Authority **link**
Many pages were altered for publication. Comparisons can be found at these sites: Higher Authority Website (New URL) and at Sequart.com
With thanks to Rich Johnstons' 'Lying in the Gutters' column
Superman **link**
Tons of online Superman stories available at
Donna Troy **link**
This Secret Files & Origins story was included in Wonder Woman: Paradise Found
With thanks to Beta's website
'Icon' was a series published by Milestone comics, by
Dwayne McDuffie and M. D. Bright. The initial 8-issue story arc finished on a cliffhanger, so the final two pages were substituted in the collected edition with a new ending. If you were curious to see either, they are both here

Read the unpublished Loose Cannons miniseries here.
Doop is the strange green member of deceased mutant team X-Statix (formerly X-Force). He speaks in an alien tongue, translations of which are here. The key to translate is here.
With thanks to original translators, especially Mike Storniolo at MillarWorld.
Marvel Comics 'The Avengers' comic has been running since the 1960's - One of their classic adventures, 'The Korvac Saga', was reprinted with an additional epilogue (Artwork by Sal Buscema), as well as new a cover by George Perez
Action Force **link**
Comic Strip scans from various UK 'Action Force' comics of the 80's
Blood for the Baron
Check HERE for updates
Zoids **link**
Comic Strip scans from the UK 'Spider-Man and Zoids' comic of the 80's
Zoids UK
Wolverine **link**
The Lost Last Wolverine Story Prologue
With thanks to Rich Johnstons' 'Lying in the Gutters' column
page 1 / Page 2-12 (scroll down) / SCRIPT (PDF)
Enemy of the State
With thanks to Rich Johnstons' 'Lying in the Gutters' column
This Page appeared unlettered in the Wolverine: Enemy of the State Hardcover, so dig out your correction fluid, and use your best handwriting to recreate the page as it was intended.