Donate / Sponsored Links
Make donations to the site, or payments for goods/services by credit card through Paypal (or using your credit if you own a Paypal Account).
If you prefer, I can email you with a Paypal invoice for goods.
You can also donate to the site simply by clicking on the sponsored links - I earn a small percentage for every purchase at Amazon made following a link via my site.
or buy things through my Amazon Storefront.
Sign up, I get a referral , you earn Cashback:
And you can buy my old comics (subject to availability) listed here.
If you prefer, I can email you with a Paypal invoice for goods.
You can also donate to the site simply by clicking on the sponsored links - I earn a small percentage for every purchase at Amazon made following a link via my site.
or buy things through my Amazon Storefront.
Sign up, I get a referral , you earn Cashback:
And you can buy my old comics (subject to availability) listed here.